Lime Life

Lime works with brilliant Architects and Developers,
to bring you the home of your dreams. Your new home awaits!

Featured Development


Quality Design

Every aspect of our home designs, are carefully considered. Offering your family pleasure, and practicality for life.


YOur Dream Home

Simply, leave the planning to us. We provide various options, and tailor each homes interior, to your own specification.


Our highly tailored service, brings you early access to your new home, before they are offered on the general market.


The Greyhound

The Greyhound in Swindon, is an exclusive new housing development, which will offer a wonderful superbly crafted and highly specified collection of 1, 2, 3, and 4 bedroom homes, due for completion in early 2016.



Quality homes, our passion

At Lime Life, we make sure that we bring the idea of your dream home to life. We offer you a virtual tour around our various developments, giving you time to ponder the purchase of your new home carefully.

Our aim is simple, we provide an exceptional, and tailored service of early market entry, meaning we can tailor the purchase of your new home to your own bespoke situation and requirements. Experience a first glimpse of what’s available on each development, well before it becomes available on the general market.

Simply, leave the planning to us. We work closely with all of our buyers to discuss the best options for internal specifications and furnishings. What better way to get the home that you have always dreamed of.